A 150 bed multispeciality hospital is being put up by Dr Rakesh Gupta. He along with Mrs. Gupta own and manage an existing 150 bed hospital at Faridabad which they had contructed gradually over the years.
The new Hospital will have 6 operating rooms, 1 Cathlab, 40 Intensive care beds. There is also a nursing college within the site connected to the hospital buiding on all floors. The hospital has a building area of 1,70,400 sft and nursing college area including accommodation for nurses of approximate 70,000 sft all within a site area of 16139.04 sqm and the toal cost for setting up the hospital is estimated to be 35.2 crores.
There is a welcoming front entrance portico which extends to a front atrium which will provide shelter for the visitors as during the visiting hours there is always a sudden surge of crowd. The hospital spatial layout was painstakingly developed along with the client so that movement is easy and locating any department would not confuse the patients.Serviced by separate patient and private lifts and also staircases attempt has been made to create a patient oriented comfortable ambience.