Believers Church Medical College Hospital is a multi-Specialty Hospital in Thiruvalla, Kerala, India. Believers Church Medical College Hospital is a healthcare project of Believers Church India. The BCH is involved in nation-building social and educational projects, healthcare initiatives, charitable activities, community development programs, rehabilitation projects and relief works. Dr. K.P. Yohannan, Metropolitan of Believers Church is the patron of the hospital.
The work majorly consists, construction of Multi storied of Composite Structure (15 Floors – 03 Phase) of area 18,80,000sq.ft, RCC (Piling work) + Structural Steel of Hospital Building with finishes and provisions of all internal services for the said proposed project at Believers Church Medical College Hospital, ST Thomas Nagar, KuttaPuzha (post), at Thiruvalla, Kerala 689103.
“Propose Believers church multispecialty hospitals consists of 2107 beds of 15 floors cum terrace with helipad for the Heli-ambulance service. Only few multispecialty hospitals in India have this facility. The building is planned to construct with combination of STRUCTURAL STEEL and RCC. This type of buildings will give high protection from fire, earthquake and many other natural hazards, further it is very much reliable, quicker by Reducing Construction time by 50 to75% and also Safer being in existing hospital with less air & noise pollution during the construction of this additional Hospital space. The main facilities in the Proposed hospital are as follows, a very big main lobby, Cancer treatment have been LINAC departments with PET CT, Hi-tech medical equipment, Cath lab, 26 no’s of operation theaters, around 10000 patients capable of Outpatient department and diagnostic center, Also patients and visitors purpose have been we have planned 36 No’s lifts, 06 escalators reserved for the utility work, fully centralized air condition system, automatic fire fighting system, well equipped kitchen & laundry service, plumbing and will be IGBC rated green building”.
In brief, building foundation work consists of bored cast in situ piling work to carry entire load safely below the ground through Pile Cap also Grade Slab, thereafter as per design, Shear walls, planned Internal and external staircases with provision of Ramps, block/brick wall and other finishes as required with a provision of Helipad on top of building for air ambulance facility. The Main building contains RCC structure up to foundation level only or Ground Floor finish level. Thereafter Structural Steel work of column, beam and decking sheet. All steel columns will be encased with block at every floor level from Ground Floor itself and the connected Steel beams (MB and SB) are fire protected/coated with designed thickness fire protection paint as per the fire norms. Decking Sheet above the steel frame, floors with all necessary accessories as per drawing galvanized with the provision of shrinkage bars prior to concrete casted over decking sheet at each floor ensuring all connection and cut out provision.
All internal and external finishes have been designed as per Health care industry norms with appropriate utilization of space as per latest Medical practice/norms requirement. All Services required for multispecialty Hospital have been also incorporated, which mainly consists of Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Fighting, HVAC, Medical Gas Line and other specialized services to give integrated look and sustainable building. External Infrastructures development consists of Landscape, Electrical services, Plumbing & Fire Fighting, Sewage Treatment plants, LT, HT & Transformer provision, DG set up and other ancillary services to support entire project.